Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bachelor Pad > Girl-Friend Friendy

I was overly happy with my old apartment back in NY, but the layout, age, and feel of it…just screamed 'Bachelor Pad'… which was nice, when I was 18! I lived in that same apartment ever since graduating high-school!

Well, since my new place is technically a 'condo' and most of the people that live here consider these their home not 'apartments' or whatever, I figured I should too! Plus, the fact that I left 99% of my furniture back in good ol' NY!

The icing on the cake is this place has a real nice Balcony, real-wood fireplace, dishwasher, and my own washer/dryer. Pretty nifty!

Believe or not... see that coffee table? The top of it was a real light color wood, guess who stained it that dark red oak color? This guy!

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